Behold, the English Garden Bench, a sanctuary of comfort and style. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill garden variety bench. No, this is a monument to the art of sitting, a tribute to the act of relaxation.
Picture this: a slated back, ball ends on the legs, elegant rails - all screaming of a traditional English style that’s as timeless as the King himself. But this isn’t just about looks. This bench is a sanctuary, crafted from either pressure-treated pine or natural Macrocarpa timber, ready to take on the elements and win.
And the hardware? Stainless steel guaranteed you’re getting a bench that’s as sturdy as a rock and as reliable as the sunrise.
The real game-changer is the use of CUTEK® Extreme CD50. It’s not just a high-quality wood stabilizer, but also a way to highlight the timber’s natural beauty and unique character. Plus, you have the flexibility to choose from over 16 different colors to match your style.
The timber is finished to a high standard, sanded smooth with rounded edges. No screws are visible in the finished bench, adding to its sleek design. It’s a sight to behold, a true testament to craftsmanship.
So, take a dive into the world of quality craftsmanship. Buy a piece, take a seat, and let the English Garden Bench transport you to a world of comfort and style. Remember, this isn’t just a bench, it’s an experience. And it’s one phone call away at 022-065 7638.
Buy the bench, take a seat.